5 Steps to Reduce Your Chances of Being ID Theft Victim

Here’s a rundown of 5 simple steps to prevent your ID:

Shred important documents and all the paper works that have your personal data before you throw them out. This includes ATM receipts, cancelled checks, credit card statements, bank statements and all other records that have your SSN and other sensitive personal info in it.

Keep a tight rein on your Social Security number. Don’t carry your Social Security card regularly in your wallet. Nowadays, phone companies, health clubs, utilities, insurance companies, video stores — just about everybody wants your Social Security number as part of an identification number but remember that there is no law that can force you to give out your SSN to anybody.

If you get emails from PayPal and eBay or any other authentic website with an internet link or a phone number then ignore them. Don’t ever click on the link or give a phone call to the number given in the mail. These emails attempt to trick the customers into handing over sensitive credit card account information to the cyber criminals.

Do not keep obvious passwords like your birth date, your daughter’s name, your mother’s maiden name, your address, or the last four digits of your Social Security number.

Be extra cautious while shopping online. Make sure that you are entering your credit card number on a page that is encrypted. Look carefully at the address bar at the top of your browser window and see that it starts with ‘https:’ the “s” stands for “secure”.